Blog Layering energies of the flash

Layering energies of the flash


Beautiful team, if you are sensitive to the energies like me, you feel them climb and climb the past 36 hours and they can get really uncomfortable.

So I have called for Archangel Metatron to provide some further reassurance and updates on what’s going on. On Monday I could feel the flash come in more than ever before, since then I can feel my body vibrating and anxiety come and go.

Metatron explained that for months prior the divine have been very closely monitoring, aiding and pushing through the energies of the flash, trying to prepare everything and everyone for the high frequency that is to follow. There were so many bumps along the road. He explained it as a glass with holes in it. They were pouring in the water/light but instead of filling it up, there was leaking. So they’ve been trying to patch those holes for a while always pushing through the energies of the flash, fixing and aiding. However since Monday it’s done! The holes have been covered and the energy of the flash has been pouring through consistently. Metatron said that now it’s ‘layering’, everything is filling in coherent fashion, as more light enters and spreads, the energies would build and build and built until ‘there would be an overflow of the glass and that’s when the flash energies will occur.’ It is slowly building and it won’t be long now. He confirms that was a chosen timeline for this layering to occur to bring in the flash as gently as possible, with ease, no fear, no destruction.

So then I asked: “what is filling exactly? I thought there was no need for this current version of the earth to ascend with us.” He explained that the consciousness are filling up, so that everyone is lined up and ready to hold the frequencies of the flash, and brought into such alignment that they can function onto the high vibration of the new earth that awaits us. The lightworkers have been aligned and ready, the animals and trees are ready, but this is happening for the humans, they are just lining up and ready to move over.

So what’s happening with the energy transfer to the new earth? Metatron explains that the transfer to the new earth has been ongoing for weeks and most lightworkers, animals and consciousness’s are mostly over to the new earth, dormant. This means that the energy has transferred over, we have no more links and ties to this one as much, yet we are functioning from the current perspective because we need to conclude this reality. Lightworkers are needed to continue to push through the energies of the flash and spread them to those around to help them line up; that’s what’s been happening currently. So if you feel you’re experiencing strong bliss and strong anxiety at the same time, this is why, or if you feel you sometimes cannot fully function.

I’m reminded of a visual they showed me two weeks ago. The streets of the world mostly empty, like there are not many residents on this version of the earth. Again we have moved over and Metatron explained, “This is so that when the moment of the flash occurs, a small pull and you’re on the new earth. The transfer would be easy and gentle’.

So enjoy whatever moments we have on this reality because everything would soon shift for the better!


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